Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 3, 2015

IELTS Speaking – Ý tưởng cho ‘Why?’ Questions

Tham khảo các bài liên quan:
Kinh nghiệm luyện thi IELTS
Đề thi IELTS
Tư vấn luyện thi IELTS

1. (IELTS Speaking Part 3) Why do you think school dropout has became a major problem nowadays?

- many are at high risk for failure and have serious deficits in reading, writing, mathematical, reasoning, and learning skills -> no will to try to improve -> drop out
- students lack personal interest in topics covered in school + the school setting is not helping to generate their interest -> find school boring and show little excitement about school learning -> drop out
2. (IELTS Speaking Part 3) Why should people exercise regularly?

- exercise controls weight (prevent excess weight gain/help maintain weight loss)
- exercise combats health conditions and diseases (heart disease, high blood pressure)
- exercise promotes better sleep
3. (IELTS Speaking Part 3) Why do people listen to music?

- music can change people’s moods
- music takes people’s mind off the pain of exercising
- music is healing (soothes the soul grieving for a loved one, and inspires those lacking in hope)
4. (IELTS Speaking Part 3) Why do so many people find clowns scary?
- fears of the hidden face 
(sensory overload at a circus – unusual sights, sounds, and smells -> easily become overwhelmed by the surreality of the clown’s performance – heavy makeup, colorful costumes, and over-sized prosthetics all help to mask the true emotions and intentions of the performers -> very unnerving to a child)
- frightening media portrayals.
(clowns are often portrayed as emotionally unstable or even psychotic in many forms of media – killer clowns, emotionally conflicted clowns)
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